
Mundikat Magazine is the contact body of the Mundikat association and is published six times a year in full color. Mundikat members receive the magazine for free. The aim is to inform the reader as widely as possible about the animal that is so dear to us all: the cat. In addition to information about the different cat breeds, a lot of attention is paid to health and well-being. In each issue an interview with a breeder is published and the wild relatives of our living room tigers are amply discussed. Cat art and literature is also not forgotten.

In addition, Mundikat Magazine contains announcements from the Board, committees and breed clubs. It goes without saying that Mundikat shows and shows abroad are highlighted, a show agenda is published in each issue and photos of Mundikat shows are published. The greatest possible care has been taken in terms of the design and layout of the magazine.


Some full issues of the Mundikat magazine are published via below links:


Mundikat Magazines