
Mundikat aims for:

'The unification of breeders, lovers and holders of cats to promote the well-being of the (purebred) cats. Mundikat promotes responsible breeding, keeping and caring for (purebred) cats. "

Mundikat is a member of the Féderation Internationale Féline (FIFe). It adheres to the statutes and regulations of this umbrella organization.


Mundikat was founded in 1976.

After its founding in 1976, joining FIFe was high on the agenda. After two long years, Mundikat was accepted as a full FIFe member in 1979. This made the Netherlands the second country with two full FIFe members after Austria. In the early 1980s, attempts were made to bring Mundikat and Felikat together in a federated context, Felis Neerlandica. However, this attempt failed, as a result of which the Netherlands and Austria remained an exception within FIFe.

From the beginning, Mundikat has been an active and progressive association. An association that favors limited but useful rules that are verifiable. Clear and transparent rules, which the members can use well.
This credo was therefore one of the ideas behind the founding of the association.

As an active association, Mundikat has an impressive record of merit. Over the years she has made many contributions to catfancy. For example, Mundikat organized a FIFe world show twice, in 1996 and 2006. She also contributed to the recognition of the following varieties and color varieties: the Turkish Angora in cream with white (1985), the Oriental shorthair in fawn and cinnamon and the British shorthair golden tabby (1990), the recognition of the bengal (1998), the recognition of the Sphynx and blue golden British Shorthair (2001), the Oriental Shorthair in bicolor (2003), Siamese and Balinese in fawn and cinnamon point and the Ragdoll in red, cream, torties and tabbies (2004) The most recent recognition is that of the Seychellois or the Siamese with white in 2006.

Mundikat is aware of the social changes around it. Thanks in part to participation in organizations such as the catfancy consultation platform (OP) and to the responsible pet ownership platform, the association is well informed and contributes to important changes. A demonstration of the progressiveness of Mundikat resulted from the adoption of the OP regulations in 2000, which introduced the mandatory Felv test, one of the reasons behind the establishment of Mundikat. It showed that the association was open to and fully participated in the changing spirit of the times. For example, Mundikat has also contributed to the OP publication “Beautiful and Healthy” plan of the Elimination Approach or reduction of unwanted hereditary characteristics and / or disorders in purebred cats (2002). The opening of FIFe shows to independent showgoers, the so-called open door policy (1995) of FIFe, also comes from Mundikat.

This short history does not do justice to the entire history of Mundikat and to all the people who contributed to it, but hopefully it gives you a brief impression of the lively history of this association.


A federation for all

All cat lovers and (hobby) breeders are welcome at our shows or as a member of the association. At shows as a visitor, exhibitor or exhibitor or as a member of Mundikat you can take advantage of the many benefits, such as being able to request pedigrees for your kittens, discounts on show registration and seminars or lectures and receiving our wonderful (full-colored) Mundikat magazine six times a year.



Mundikat Pers

Pedigree Book


Mundikat offers a FIFe pedigree book. This means that the federation issues pedigrees for the born kittens for members who have a registered FIFe cattery. The federation is responsible for recording pedigree data of all purebred cats that are bred by Mundikat members.

At Mundikat we take this responsibility very seriously. We attach great importance to the accuracy of the registration and our pedigrees.


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Mundikat organizes 5-7 show weekends every year. In total 10-14 international cat shows under the auspices of the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe), including a 2-day show every Easter in the middle of the Netherlands.

At our shows you can usually admire between 350 and 550 cats. The cats present are judged by international judges from all over Europe.

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Mundikat Magazine is the official contact body of the federation and is issued six times a year in full color. Mundikat members receive the magazine for free. The aim is to inform the reader as broadly as possible about the animal that is so dear to all of us: the cat.

In addition, Mundikat Magazine contains announcements from the board, committees and breed clubs.
The greatest possible care is given to the design and layout of the magazine.